The marathon continues this afternoon at 12:45 PM PST with Planet of Evil (episodic version.) A good start to Baker’s sophmore series as the Doctor, finds our time travellers responding to a distress call on the edge of the known universe. This is the series of horror, and we startContinue Reading

My marathon continues this evening at 6:45 PM PST with Revenge of the Cybermen (episodic version.) This is, for reasons unknown to me, a fairly disliked story. It is the beginning of the end of the Cybermen (from this point on, say the word gold and they flee like littleContinue Reading

After a couple of days off, I have resumed my 40th anniversary marathon of Doctor Who at 7:30 PM PST with Genesis of the Daleks (episodic version.) Quite possibly the best surviving Dalek story (Evil of could be the best all time, but this is judged by the reconstruction only)Continue Reading

The marathon continues tonight at 6:40 PM PST with The Ark in Space (episodic version.) Originally it bewildered me as to why they picked this story to be a DVD release, but after this airing I was reminded at how good of a story it is. Even the effects andContinue Reading

Well, the Marathon continues at 10:10 AM PST with The Monster of Peladon (episodic version.) Once again the Doctor shows up in a time of great trouble on Peladon, but it’s decades later and this time the trouble is not only Peladonian politics but also external influences. Excellent sequel andContinue Reading

The marathon continued today at 12:45 PM PST with Planet of the Daleks (full episodic version.) Essentially the second part of the mammoth twelve-part story, now find the Doctor and Jo on Spiradon – a planet full of nasty vegetation and invisible inhabitants – along with a group of ThalsContinue Reading

The marathon continues this evening at 6:30 PM PST with Frontier in Space (episodic version.) In a celebration of the tenth anniversary, the production team embarked upon a massive twelve part epic but took the advise of those who last accomplished such a feat and broke it up in twoContinue Reading

The marathon continues at 6:50 PM PST with Carnival of Monsters (episodic version.) A much-hailed story of the Pertwee era, and for the longest time I never could understand this, but in recent viewings I’ve come to appreciate it. The first story after the third Doctor’s freedom has been restored,Continue Reading

The marathon continues tonight at 5:55 PM PST with The Time Monster (episodic version.) To quote Jo, it’s groovy! Again a story that I’ve heard maligned that isn’t as bad as others have made it out to be. OK, that bit at the end with the Master pleading was aContinue Reading

The 40th anniversary Doctor Who marathon continues tonight at 7:20 PM PST with the Mutants (episodic version.) One of the more maligned stories of the Pertwee era, but with this viewing I have come to regard it as a much underrated story. Sure, some of the acting is abysmal andContinue Reading