Tosser Broke My Windscreen!!!

Some bastard tossed a rock at Dexter’s windscreen, while he was just sitting in his little parking spot at home.  He was doing no harm to anyone, minding his own business, when some malicious youth (well, who else would do such a thing) tossed a rock and made a frosty looking mess of the windscreen.

As a long time fan of The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin, my mind keeps channelling Major James Anderson (expelled) when he was chasing off some thugs: “Peace and love, you bastards! Peace and love!!!”  I had stonger words when I first noticed this…

Oddly, this is not the first time I’ve had a car vandalized.  I used to own a Renault 5 (aka, the Le Car) that had it’s antenna snapped, back left window bashed in, and the vynly sun roof stolen – not to mention the number plate was stolen.  Unfortunately, this was pre-internet and finding parts was a pain.  Luckily, in these more connected times, I can find the parts easily – but it’s still a pain in the [insert your favorite body part].