So, when one goes to a park to listen to some music, read a book and watch one’s spouse (and friends) doing some hooping – because 08/08/08 was World Hoop Day – one would expect not to be bothered (except for the people intrigued by the hooping, of which thereContinue Reading

This makes me happy.  I love the Muppets, and Beaker is just great fun, so to make a music video with this clip is perfect.  It’s like the Hitler rant about the end of Torchwood that I posted earlier.  It’s art! For more information on the phenomenon (do-doo-do-doo-doo…) of Rick-RollingContinue Reading

Ok, I kind of have a vested interest in this recent ruling regarding the FCC’s fining of Viacom for the wardrobe malfunction during the 2004 Super Bowl half time show (being in the broadcasting industry, as it were.)  The court decided that the FCC had not warned broadcasters of aContinue Reading

George Carlin passed away yesterday.  It was a bit of a shock, but he’d apparently been having heart troubles for a while now.  It never seemed to slow him down – he’d even just performed in Vegas the prior week. I remember as a kid in the 70s checking outContinue Reading